gothic torch with green flame Mandela AU Recommendations gothic torch with green flame

tired of seeing nothing but the same 2-3 AUs making the rounds on [insert app here]? well, i've got the list for you! here's some smaller/less well-known AUs that showcase tons of creativity! have a look around, and maybe show some love to smaller fan artists and writers 💖

﹁ Hail True Body ﹁

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creator: mustangs-flames

Mark doesn't die in september 1992 and instead ends up trying to help his friend, "Cesar," following the death of his mother. What he doesn't know is that an alternate has taken place of his friend, and said alternate is having its own struggles with identity.

☣ Labrats ☣

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creator: shmorp-mcdurgen

Doctor Gabriel is on the cutting edge of genetic modification technology, but his quest for perfection has led him and his employees down a dark path, one which will change the lives of seven patients in particular.

⊗ Septendecim ⊗

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creator: foster-the-moths

An alternative take on what happened to Adam during catalyst, in which his body warps even further beyond recognition and Jonah is there to witness the fallout.

⛧ Submandelaphobia ⛧

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creator: moonlightmasquerade

A Shadow Over Innsmouth-inspired take on TMC, in which the alternates are basically Deep Ones instead of demons, and Mandela County is a small fishing county by sea.

♡ Mother Mary ♡

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creator: sukunasbabygirl

Rather than the human child Adam dying so the alternate Adam we know and love(?) can live, in this AU alt!Adam is found by Lynn, who she thinks is her real son, while human!Adam (called Abdiel) is unknowingly raised by Six.

✤ Finding Eden ✤

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creator: moonflwer-gutz

Another take on Catalyst, in which Adam crawls back to Evelin because she's the only one he believes can get him out of the mess he made. Unfortunately, he visibly looks like an alternate now, and Evelin's not particularly inclined to help him.

▶ Confessions ▶

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creator: mythicandco

The tapes Thatcher gives him aren't the only secrets Dave has. There's another tape he owns, called "Confessions." Even darker secrets could be revealed once a young employee of his happens upon the tape.

✦ Tethered Together ✦

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creator: fostopia

Mark and Cesar become ghosts after their respective, fatal alternate encounters. Both still shows the wounds from how they died, and both never left the Torres house. However, two paranormal investigators visiting the house gives the ghosts a new purpose for their afterlife.

✪ Sanguine, Such as Celestial Spirits May Bleed ✪

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creator: GhostliestBastard

A space horror take on Mandela Catalogue! The story is now set on a space station, with all the characters having a different class status within the station's society. Of course, something finds its way onto the ship and bloody chaos ensues.

✿ Floral Fate ✿

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creator: miss-wanna-draw96

Set in a world where everyone has flowers growing from their bodies that signifies their destiny, this story sets all the characters in a more modern setting, and has Mark surviving his attack and Sarah and Jonah supporting him in the aftermath.

in addition, perhaps you might like mine? no pressure tho, just a suggestion... 👀

spinning silver pentagram